
Mountebank’s Monster and His Mom is a

Dystopian novel about destruction of the individual with an eye to destroying society. The story is “true fiction” based on actual events that include gaslighting, gang stalking, psychosurgery, poison, and betrayal.

contact: Scarsvale@pm.me

The email address above is encrypted. All correspondence is confidential. I welcome any information related to this story and any contact from anyone who figures in it or who knows someone who does.

One thought on “About

  1. Fascinating. I look forward to reading your book. It’s all based on a true story?

    By the way, you should check out the popular Youtube video creator “Mouthy Buddha” on twitter (@Mou_thy_Buddha , remove the _’s) and Youtube. I notice that he’s currently producing a documentary on “pedogate” and on pedophilic networks among elites, and is requesting any information and to interview people who may have been affected. You might wish to look into contacting him to tell your story.

    From his twitter:

    “If you have any information regarding potential pedophilic networks, suspicious activity or have been a victim of sex trafficking contact:
    docu_mentary_info_@protonmail.com [again, remove all of the underscores (_’s)].

    PT II will be released on June 1st”


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